The holidays are a magical time of year. The hustle and bustle, the get-togethers, the music, the lights, the spirit of giving is what makes this time of year feel so special!
We thought this would be the perfect time to introduce you to one of our programs here at Triton that we’re so proud of, Triton Cares.
The Jensen family has always been charitable. In the words of the matriarch, Cindy Jensen, “You give when you can, and you give when you can’t.” This giving spirit was passed down to their seven children, who are all a huge part of the Triton family. So, when I came to Katie and Rachel a few years back with the idea of creating a foundation (of sorts) where employees have the opportunity to help each other in times of need, I got a resounding YES! What can we do to help?
What started out as a few ideas have now turned into what we know today as TRITON CARES. Triton Care’s mission is to take care of our extended Triton family in times of need, while also utilizing our resources to enrich and enhance the quality of life for people in our communities.
Triton Cares is two-fold, our first priority is our people. If we have an employee who maybe had an unexpected medical bill come up or needs funds for unexpected funeral costs, Triton Cares wants to help! We’ve done everything from pay for groceries to helping an employee start a new health direction to paying for days missed at work for chemo treatments. There really is no need too big or too small for Triton Cares!
Where does this money to give come from? It comes from us, the employees! We all have the option to donate a portion of our paycheck into the Triton Cares fund. Some give $1, and some give $15. It’s completely voluntary, and you can start or stop it at any time. A tremendous amount of our employees willingly give and we use this money to help each other out. Now, if that isn’t the Christmas spirit!
The second part of our mission focuses on our community and enriching the lives around us. We collectively get together twice a year for community outreach projects.
This year, we all took an afternoon off and volunteered at our local Children’s Hospitals. My group, in Houston, painted birdhouses with the children and made mini football fields. It was heartwarming to see our big, bad warehouse guys dancing to Taylor Swift while holding a little girl’s IV tubes so she could dance with him and not trip. We had such a great time, we stayed well after our time was up and everyone was asking me when we were going to do it again. This program doesn’t just enrich our community. But it enriches us, as people and a TEAM!
Our second outreach this year is helping families in need this holiday season. I started this blog talking about how magical the holidays are. But that’s MY perspective. I realize the holidays aren’t magical for all. In fact, they can be down-right depressing. As a parent, I can’t fathom not having presents under my tree Christmas morning for my kids. That anticipation and excitement is a part of that holiday feeling. To think, some parents have to let their children in on the secret of Santa just because they know no guy in a red suit is going to come in the middle of the night and bring their kid’s favorite toys is heart-wrenching. So, Triton Cares became Santa this year!
We have found families in each of our markets — ranging from single parents who don’t have enough left over after the bills are paid to provide a good Christmas to their children, to a family whose house burned down with all already bought Christmas presents. Triton employees jumped right in! We made Amazon lists, collected money, gone out shopping, wrapped presents, built bikes… you name it! I’m so proud of our team at each and every location that stepped up in a time when money is probably tight themselves, and they gave. They gave when they could. And they gave when they couldn’t. I can’t think of a better way to embody the giving spirit the Jack and Cindy have passed down, not only to their own children but to every one of us here in the Triton family.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Yuletide Greetings, Joyeaux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Season’s Greetings, and Happy Holidays.
From our families to yours! – Katie Finnerty